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Richard Flood

Richard Flood

Richard Flood

Roles in Archive: New Museum Curator, Staff Member, Artist, Author, Moderator, Organizer, Panelist, Speaker

Richard Flood was appointed in September 2005 as Chief Curator of the New Museum, where he oversees all programming at the museum in conjunction with the Director. Flood came to the New Museum from the Walker Art Center, where he was the Chief Curator for nine years and subsequently the Deputy Director and Chief Curator for two years. At the Walker, he organized a number of well-received exhibitions, including “Brilliant!: New Art from London,” “Zero to Infinity: Arte Povera 1962-1972,” “Robert Gober: Sculpture + Drawing,” and an exhibition of the works of Sigmar Polke, among others. Flood previously served as the Director of Barbara Gladstone Gallery, Curator at P.S.1, and Managing Editor of Artforum magazine.